toom Belohnbier

The idea is as ingenious as it is obvious. What could be better than rewarding yourself with a beer after a successful project? Today, we at Pfefferkorn have also rewarded ourselves for the successful implementation of the decorative cap with a beer from toom (of course after work). toom  für die gelungene Umsetzung der Zierkappe belohnt (selbstverständlich erst nach der Arbeitszeit).

We are pleased to be able to support toom’s brilliant idea with the matching decorative cap. toom bei dieser genialen Idee mit der passenden Zierkappe unterstützen zu können.

toom – Belohnbier

Toom Belohnbier

Once again this shows that a product can only succeed, if everything fits: starting with marketing through quality to the features of the product. Every day our team works at its best to ensure that each detail fits perfectly and the wishes and ideas of our customers will be fulfilled to their satisfaction.

Especially decorative caps are again and again a particular challenge as function and visual appearance have to match perfectly. Only a product with an outstanding optical appearance, which fulfils the requested technical details, will be successful after all. The shape of the decorative cap Belohnbier may look quite simple, but the technology required to achieve this look is based on years of experience, precision and professionalism. These are characteristics, which our team at Pfefferkorn lives every day. By means of our lean structure and short internal distances, we are flexible and can realize our customers’ wishes very quickly.

Wie auch immer Ihre Verschlussidee aussehen mag, wir unterstützen Sie bei der Umsetzung Ihrer Vorstellungen. Dabei sind im Bereich Design nahezu keine Grenzen gesetzt. Fordern Sie uns!

Your person of contact:

Managing Director Sales, Purchase, Production 
Ralf Gabler

Ralf Gabler Pfefferkorn

+49 (0) 6761 9333 – 20
Mobil +49 (0) 170 7765444
